Italian Stakeholder workshop

6 July 2018, Peschiera del Garda

An Italian Stakeholder workshop is organized for INTCATCH on Friday 06th July at 09:00 (participant registration from 08:30).

The event will be held in Peschiera del Garda (Lake Garda) at the National Police School of Peschiera (“Scuola Allievi Agenti Polizia di Stato”), placed in Parco Catullo, 2, 37019 Peschiera del Garda (VR)

[Google Maps location:]

Lots of Italian stakeholders, companies and associations will participated at the meeting.

The event is under the Auspices of the National Ministry of the Environment and of the Orders of Engineers, Architects and Geometricians of Verona.

How to reach Peschiera and the meeting venue from Verona:

  • By car: motorway A4 direction Milano, entrance Verona sud and exit Peschiera del Garda or by SR11 (40 minutes about); follow the directions to city-centre “centro”, then park here: (10 mins from the meeting place) à consider possible heavy traffic due to summer touristic season..
  • By train (Fastest way if there’s no delay): from the station of Verona Porta Nuova ( to Peschiera del Garda train station (

Different regional trains (“regionale”) and premium trains (“Frecciarossa”) are available on the route (both kind of trains have the same travelling time, about 15 minutes).

Timetable and booking here (National public carrier TRENITALIA: or private carrier ITALO:

tickets available at the station too (self-service machines and ticket office).

Direction: Milano and Brescia.

By bus: ATV buses from Verona to Peschiera, line 164 (1 hour travelling time):

From the parking, the bus stop and the train station, you can arrive at the Police School simply by walk (or by taxi) (about 650 m – 10 minutes) [].

P.S. for Italian engineers, geometri and architects: if you’ll attend the workshop, you can obtain points (“crediti formativi professionali), but you need to be pre-registered on these websites:

  • Engineers (event approved by the “Ordine degli Ingegneri di VR”):
  • Geometri (event approved by the “Collegio dei geometri di VR”):
  • Architects (event approved by the “Ordine degli architetti di Verona”): more info coming soon (if interested write to me).
Check the program of the event here

If you want to participate at the stakeholders meeting please confirm your participation to (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689341

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