Demonstraton activities of the robotic boats to students in River Ter

22 February 2019 - Ter River, Spain

On Tuesday 19th of February, the INTCATCH team had a sampling campaign in which the boat has been deployed in a river stretch upstream and downstream the entrance of stream receiving water from a WWTP effluent. Moreover they had the opportunity to drive the boat few meters inside the stream affected by the WWTP effluent and the results are great detecting clearly the change in water quality provoked by the entrance of a stream affected by WWTP discharge.

On Friday the 22nd of February the INTCATCH team had a demonstration activity of the boat with 45 students of the University of Vic that are currently assisting the aquatic ecology course of the biology career. They deployed the boat in a Ter river stretch affected by leakages of urban collectors and they also has a great demonstration driving the boat along the plume and inside the area directed affected by the release.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689341

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